Friday, November 7, 2008

"What day is it? What YEAR!"

Just getting the gratuious babeage out there right away, folks. No need to thank me.

Yep - it's been a while since I've posted. Laziness, I'd like to say, and for the most part - that would be correct. Lots of things - good, annoying, bad, sucky - most of them sterling examples of why most members of humanity could do with the occasional bracing slap in the mouth. If I ever find a person who's remotely responsible for some of teh crap that infects computers... oh, and by the way, I used to have respect for CounterSpy. HA! if anyone knows a good antivirus/antimalware/antispyware package, let me know.

Obama won. Well. Color me surprised. With Caribou Barbie and Darth McCain on the prowl, I really thought the public would swallow a lot more of their lies. Guess people really DO vote their wallets. Onething, people - DO NOT think that racism, sexism, ageism, discrimination, bigotry, homophobia, prejudice or any of a thousand other ills of our time and of all time will go away or are rendered null and void because 'President Obama' will be a reality. If you doubt me, look at this:

Hey, everybody - it's Mensa, and they're styling the big bikes!

Weed laws passed. Give me half an ounce, a couple of beers (anybody got the name of a good beer?) and let's party - besides, with the way my legs hurt sometimes, I could possibly argue 'medicinal use', anyway.

A shout-out to all of the Daria fans out there who are keeping a great animated series alive, and a special shout-out to Glenn Eichler, the co-creator of Daria, who just won an Emmy as part of the writing team of The Colbert Report!

Here's the image created by uber-talented grahic artist S.C. for a congratulatory message sent by Daria fans across the world to The Glenn (that work spearheaded by Australian fan Deref (yes, Handsome Doctor Deref, for you that remember the series) and PPMB Supreme System Lord Kara Wild. (Apparently, she hasn't reached the point in law school where they remove your soul and stick a demon inside. I wonder if that's what happens during your bar examination? Okay, I kid a touch too much.)

Congrats from the Cathedral to The Glenn!

Along those lines - PPMB denizen TAG has come up with an interesting shared-worlds setting for Daria fics called 'Daylight', dealing with ( it's TAG, what else?) some serious end-of-the-worldage as the Sun decides to bring the pain, and in the process wipes out nearly all life on Earth. Nasty stuff - complete with the knowledge that it could actually happen.

If you dare... the starting point is here:

Also, there have been some interesting Daria fics based in this setting. Your go-point to read on is at:


And now - it's time for some gratituous cuteness!

Well, I'll try to keep this more up-to-date. I'll also try not to fall off the stool I sit off when I'm writing when I fall asleep when typing. 'Sick and sad' doesn't even begin to cover it - but then again, neither does getting socked in the flesh silo by your four-and five-year-old nephews when you're not paying attention. OW. Going to have to sign those two up for some good old-fashioned child abuse...
By the way - semi-automatics or revolvers, and in which caliber? The debate goes on.
Off we go, then.

1 comment:

The Angst Guy said...

God bless America! Brother Grimace has updated! Hooray!

I think the perfect way to celebrate President Obama's victory is for you to write more Daria fanfic and put more Daria-themed entries in your blog. Always glad to help out!