Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Edwards, or the Republicans get the White House again...

Personally, I believe that the Republicans are going to win the White house again in 2008. Why?

Two reasons:

(1.) The Republicans may not know how to govern, but they sure as hell know how to win. How's that? Do whatever the eff it takes to get the voters out and either voting for who you want, for whomever you want to run against (for whatever reason) or for the people you know don't have a snowball's chance of bearing you.

(2.) Because the individual Democrats all want to lead the party and be the big hero (they'll never say it that way) instead of joining together to pick a solid player who can win, regardless of how much the others (regardless of who he - or she- is) want to be the person out in front.

Let's be honest - if the Democrats don't run Edwards as their front man, they're vapor come Election Day.

Hillary cannot win. Let's face this as a fact, people. She may win the nomination, but there's no way in hell that the American people will vote for her. They'll vote for a woman President - oh, of that I have no doubt, and I believe I'll be alive to see it - but they won't vote for Hillary Clinton to be that woman. People have long memories, and they vote their pocketbooks... not to mention 'they vote for payback'.

Obama cannot win. It's not that he's Black - I firmly believe that had Colin Powell chosen to run back in 1996, he'd have dusted Clinton - it's just that he's Black and not a Republican hardass. People saw Powell and saw a guy who'd kick some ass, have a drink, clean his weapon and then take his wife to bed. Obama... well, he's a touch softer, and having all of the college kids and Oprah cheering him on doesn't help at all, either. Can you say 'splitting the vote', people? Also, they're all there now, but college kids are notorious for NOT VOTING, and as for African-American voters... as a former election judge for a city in Illinois, let's just say that the voting record of Blacks does not impress me. That's a shame, because I remember the 1997 city election in Peoria, Illinois. Only 11% of the registered voters bothered to show up at the polling place (doesn't that sound like a kinky name for a brothel, or a fraternity house?) on Election Day; if the Black populace had gotten mobilized and out to the polls with serious numbers, they could have controlled everything... as Michael Ironside said in Starship Troopers, when you vote, you are exercising political power. You are using force - and political force is the coin of the realm in modern America.

Back on the subject. Don't be fooled by the throngs of college kids or the tens of thousands at Oprah rallies... they'll dissapear on Election Day...

...which is why, if we don't get the time-tested, battle-hardened and 'Hey - you know, in that 2004 Vice-Presidential debate, didn't he actually LOOK Presidential?' Edwards as the front man on the Democratic ticket, then we'll see Shrubya pass the car and housekeys to whatever Republican comes in on his coattails.

Whomever it may be. I really don't think that matters.

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